Boing Boing

LEGO minifigs are satanic (or at least grumpy)


Slawomir Kostrzewa, a priest in Wolsztyn, Poland, is concerned that certain LEGO minifigs are "about darkness and the world of death" and could "destroy (children's) souls and lead them to the dark side." More interesting is that Kostrzewa attempts to back up his argument with research by University of Canterbury professor Christoph Bartneck suggesting that the faces of LEGO figures have become angrier over the years. Kostrzewa's claim is on the heels of his revelation last year that My Little Pony is a "carrier of death."

"Lego the building blocks of Satan, warns priest citing NZ study" (New Zealand Herald)

Professor Bartneck's response to the matter is here: "LEGO is not a tool of Satan"

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