Shoop: XJ, with an assist by Dean Putney
Animooted version by Dean Putney
Animatronic version by @darth
Shoop: XJ, with an assist by Dean Putney
Animooted version by Dean Putney
Animatronic version by @darth
Don't show this article to your dog unless you want them to get jealous. Seriously. Zhongyuan-based engineer Xing Zhilei has transcended the traditional dog crate, going to great pains to… READ THE REST
While left alone to entertain themselves, a resourceful kitty grabbed his new toy-on-a-stick and pretended to be a human, dangling it in front of his canine pal. In turn, the… READ THE REST
A woman held out a tasty-looking bun for two golden retrievers to snack on, but one of them was in no mood to share. So while his brother was chilling… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Get lifetime access to the 2025 ChatGPT Skills and Creativity bundle for $29.99 — learn how to make AI your new secret weapon for work, creativity, and travel. AI isn't just for… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Cut your video quickly with the flexible Corel VideoStudio Pro X9. Whether you're capturing family shenanigans, crafting the perfect TikTok, or putting together a slick work presentation, video is everywhere. Luckily,… READ THE REST
TL;DR: It's only been 2 months into the new year, and I'm feeling more stressed than ever. Here's how I calm my mind down and get a better night's sleep—with the… READ THE REST