Yik Yak is a social app that's basically an anonymous, hyperlocal bulletin board. Over at New York Magazine, Will Haskel, a senior at Staples High School in Westport, Connecticut, wrote about the day this social media product fueled incredibly antisocial and brutally nasty behavior among his classmates. To illustrate, just a few of the endless stream of posts from the day:
"L. M. is affiliated with Al Qaeda."
"The cheer team couldn't get uglier.""K. is a slut."
"J. N. is a fag."
"The fact that O. P. has diabetes makes me happy."
"S. D. + 10 years = trailer park."
"Nobody is taking H. to prom because nobody has a forklift."
"J. T.'s gonna get lynched at SMU."
"A Gossip App Brought My High School to a Halt" (Thanks, DMD!)