Boing Boing

Bank manager: customer is a knob

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Britain's NatWest bank apologized to a customer after a business manager "accidentally" left him a voicemail calling him a "knob," reports the Western Daily Press in Dorset, England.

"If you could please give us a call back … and ask to speak to the North Dorset Business Team. Thanks then. Bye!"

*fails to actually hangs up*

[colleagues talk in background about customer]

"Oh really? UH HUR HUR HUR HUR HUR. I didn't mean it like that. … God, I'm glad he wasn't there, because he's a knob."

"There are further eruptions of laughter" concerning the bankrupt customer's financial affairs, reports the paper's unbylined report. "We apologise unreservedly to Mr Eames," said an unnamed NatWest spokesperson. [via]

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