Boing Boing

Goldman Sachs demands that Google "unsend" a fatfingered email to avoid "reputational damage"

Someone at Goldman Sachs fatfingered an email and sent confidential data out to the wrong person.

So now they're demanding that a judge order Google to "unsend" the message, deleting it from Gmail users' inboxes. The email, which was sent during testing of a new system designed to meet updated FIRA regs, contains "sensitive client information, including details on brokerage accounts."

Goldman Sachs has petitioned the judge to issue the order because of the "risk of inflicting a needless and massive privacy violation upon Goldman Sachs' clients" but also because of "the risk of unnecessary reputational damage to Goldman Sachs."

Goldman says client data leaked, wants Google to delete email [Jonathan Stempel/Reuters]

(via Ars Technica)

(Image: Does Occupy (Wall Street) signal the death of contemporary art? Fight The Vampire Squid by Molly Crabapple, Duncan Hull, CC-BY)

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