Boing Boing

The Mystery of the Disappearing Airmen

In 1942 Navy lieutenant Ernest Cody and ensign Charles Adams piloted a blimp out of San Francisco into the Pacific, looking for Japanese subs. A few hours
later the blimp drifted back to land, empty. The parachutes and life raft were in their proper places and the radio was in working order, but there was no
trace of Cody or Adams.

In this episode of the Futility Closet podcast we'll follow the events of that strange day and delve into the inquest that followed. We'll also sample some
unpublished items from Greg's trove of Futility Closet research and puzzle over a drink of water that kills hundreds of people.


Hosted by Greg and Sharon Ross, Futility Closet is a celebration of the quirky and the curious, the thought-provoking and the simply amusing. This podcast is an audio companion to the popular website that catalogs more than 8,000 curiosities in history, language, mathematics, literature, philosophy, and art. In each episode we explore intriguing finds from our research, share listener contributions, and tackle an entertaining puzzle.

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