Boing Boing

Tales from the Tween Hobo


The boxcar-living, Justin Bieber-loving, darkly funny, 12-year-old drifter @tweenhobo wrote a delightful book, Tween Hobo: Off The Rails, in (ahem) "collaboration" with playwright Alena Smith and featuring wonderful illustrations by my hypertalented designer pal Kate Harmer! To give you a sense of Tween Hobo's take on the world, here's a taste of her Tweets:

• "Just FYI, Thomas the Tank Engine presents a pretty sugar-coated view of railroad life"

• "Old hobos speak of a time when Halloween costumes weren't based on memes"

• "I'm only twelve, but I'm a hard twelve. "

• "Today I saw Mount Rushmore. It was all boys."

Tween Hobo: Off The Rails

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