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Video: Lava from Kilauea volcano advances, threatening homes on Hawaii's Big Island

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The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory today upgraded the alert level for the lava flow on the Big Island of Hawaii from "watch" to "warning," and scientists there say the lava is advancing roughly 820 feet a day. It is less than a mile from homes.

"We project the lava could reach the boundary of the Kaohe Homesteads subdivision within 5-7 days should the lava resume advancing within the crack system," scientists said.

The lava flow is referred to as the "June 27th lava flow," and as of this morning was 0.7 miles SW, or upslope, of the Wao Kele Puna Forest Reserve boundary and the Kaohe Homesteads subdivision Thursday AM, moving E-NE.

Photos and video are here.

More news: AP, Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

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