Boing Boing

The Girl With All The Gifts

The Girl With All The Gifts

MR Carey's The Girl With All The Gifts became an instant favorite. This creepy tale of the zombie apocalypse turns the entire genre on its side.

Melanie appears to be a fairly bright and above average child. From the stories she hears at school and conversations she's been able to eavesdrop on she knows something isn't right but can't quite discern what it is. Do all kids need to be immobilized for class? Melanie learns more about who and what she is, but it come too late even to save her friends, let alone humanity.

Carey paints a picture of a world teetering on the edge, but perhaps able to hang on. His zombie future is pretty amazing and the characters strong, I was tempted to read the entire book in one sitting. While it gets a bit repetitive and sometimes bangs you about the head with clues as to what is to come, I really enjoyed The Girl With All The Gifts.

The Girl With All The Gifts by MR Carey

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