Boing Boing

Key figures in CIA-crack cocaine scandal begin to come forward

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In 1996 journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of investigative stories about the connections between the South LA crack epidemic, and the CIA's Nicaraguan Contra fighters. The articles ran in the San Jose Mercury News.

The New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times waged a curiously intense campaign to discredit Webb, who was effectively blackballed from journalism. Webb died in 2004 from an apparent suicide.

It turns out that Webb was on to something. From Huffington Post:

"If he was stupid and had a lobotomy," he might not have known it was drug money, Baca said. "He knew exactly what it was. He didn't care. He was there to fund the Contras, period."

Above, the trailer for a new documentary, Freeway: Crack in the System

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