Bent-Con is an annual gathering dedicated to LGBT films, comics, books and geekiness, celebrating its fifth anniversary this time around. Having grown from 500 attendees in 2010 to nearly 3500 last year, they've set up a modest Kickstarter to help offset their costs. If it reaches the $15k target, they'll knock out 1/4 of the convention fees–but with 24 hours left to go, only half the goal is covered.
Here's organizer Sean Maker's description of the event:
It's sort of an "A to Z" in creativity, networking, opportunity and fandom — a place where everyone takes center-stage and showcases whatever they're up to creatively, expressing and sharing with an ever-growing audience. I personally like to think of BENT-CON as an annual celebration that is a welcoming and safe place for anyone—fan or professional—who believes everyone has a right to see themselves reflected in the things they love.
Bent-Con takes place 7-9th Nov at the Los Angeles Burbank Marriot Convention Center and one-day badges start coming with pledges at $20 and up. Panels this year include women who write queer characters, gay gamers' love of RPGs, and race and class in comics. Check out this year's guests and exhibitors.