Boing Boing

Kickended tracks completely unfunded Kickstarter projects


Plane tickets never bought, EPs never recorded, mobile apps never to be made mobile, Kickstarter is littered with them. Now, Kickended tracks all of these projects into one sad repository.

With 8700 completely unfunded Kickstarters to sort through, the site gives you the choice of random campaigns or the whole depressing archive. It offer no commentary, because why heap abuse on people who've already seen their dreams crumble to dust? I don't even want to share my favorites because it almost feels meanly voyeuristic. While there are a number of dopes who just want people to buy them things with no return, there are also the well-intentioned yet clueless who imagined money would pour forth effortlessly, as well as your garden variety weirdos. And all that separates the dopes, clueless, and weirdos from the successful is about ten grand of other people's money.

Kickended [Silvio Lorusso]

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