Noted dingdong Ashton Kutcher. Photo: Reuters
BREAKING: Ashton Kutcher, an actor with 16.5 million Twitter followers who is also an investor in Uber, said something dumb on Twitter today.
The Über investor came to Über's defense on Twitter today after an exec at the ride-service company suggested it should hire investigators to target journalists, Nixon-style.
Said Kutcher, "What is so wrong about digging up dirt on shady journalist?" [sic]
He then added, "We're all public figures now!," and tweeted some more dumb stuff.
Kutcher's other tech investments include Airbnb, Spotify and other tech companies.
Kutcher's dumb tweet follows news that Über senior exec Emil Michael boasted that dropping "a million dollars" to hire dirt-diggers to look into reporters' "personal lives" and "families" might be a good idea. He then called the journalist his remarks appeared targeted at, on a personal cell phone number she had not given to him.
Über CEO Travis Kalanick has distanced himself from the remarks, which he said were "terrible and do not represent the company." I wonder if he'll do the same with Kutcher's, as more bad press leaks.
• "Uber driver to cancer patient: you deserved cancer and are 'an animal'"
• "Uber exec boasts of plans to attack critical journalist"
• "Uber updates logo to reflect new attitude"
• "Uber can track your one-night stands"
.@Uber I made this for you (HT: @MikeRiverso) pic.twitter.com/k0QXC40amb
— Xeni Jardin (@xeni) November 19, 2014