Boing Boing

Blood-thieving bandits mistakenly steal samples infected with Ebola

Ebola Virus at 108,000 Magnification. The Los Angeles bus passenger is not believed to have actually contained this virus within his person.

Ebola Virus at 108,000 Magnification. The Los Angeles bus passenger is not believed to have actually contained this virus within his person.

Bandits in Guinea robbed a taxi and ran off with blood samples believed to be infected with the deadly Ebola virus.

Stealing blood is a thing? Stealing blood is a thing.

From The Guardian:

Authorities made a radio appeal on Friday, calling on the unidentified robbers to hand over the samples, which were stolen from the minibus taxi during its 265km (165-mile) journey from central Kankan prefecture to a test site in southern Gueckedou.

The samples were drawn from a single person and were stored in a sealed container, and handed off to the taxi driver when armed bandits stopped the vehicle the aid group had commissioned near the town of Kissidougou, said Faya Etienne Tolno, a press officer for the Guinea Red Cross.

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