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Is it legal to fly with marijuana?

It's relatively easy to find out that mascara does indeed count as a liquid, a cane is exempt from the personal item limit, and ice skates are allowed on carry-ons, but it can be much harder to find a straight answer about flying with marijuana.

Earlier this month citizens in Oregon and Alaska voted to join Colorado and Washington as the four states where retail marijuana is legal for adults over the age of 21. Washington, D.C. residents, meanwhile, voted for a "soft legalization" measure. (Vox has a great breakdown of the current state of marijuana legalization.) Medical marijuana is currently legal in 23 states as well as the District of Columbia. It's used to treat conditions ranging from pain and nausea to Parkinson's disease, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, and a host of other conditions. Patients who successfully apply for a medical marijuana card are allowed to possess a limited amount of the substance, which varies by state.

So how does that affect air travel?


Under federal law marijuana is an illegal Schedule 1 narcotic deemed to have a "high potential for abuse and no medical value." Federal law does not distinguish between medical and recreational marijuana—any form of the substance is illegal. Since airports, airspace, and airplanes all fall under federal jurisdiction, anyone found flying with medical marijuana is at risk of being detained, arrested, and prosecuted under federal law.


Across the country once-strict policies are loosening and it seems the TSA is not immune to these changing attitudes. The official TSA policy states:

TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other drugs. In the event a substance that appears to be marijuana is observed during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer. Whether or not marijuana is considered legal under local law is not relevant to TSA screening because TSA is governed by federal law. Federal law provides no basis to treat medical marijuana any differently than non-medical marijuana. Even if an item is generally permitted, it may be subject to additional screening or not allowed through the checkpoint if it triggers an alarm during the screening process, appears to have been tampered with, or poses other security concerns. The final decision rests with TSA on whether to allow any items on the plane.

In other words, TSA is mostly interested in protecting its passengers' safety and less interested in busting those traveling with a small amount of pot. TSA agents are not specifically looking for marijuana and if they do happen to find it in a routine search, it's largely up to the individual TSA agent to decide how to respond. Policy is to report the substance to local law enforcement. In states where medical marijuana is legal, anecdotal evidence suggests local police will often verify a passenger's documents and allow them to fly with medicinal cannabis if everything is in order. However, according to USA Today, the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado has resulted in stricter policies that ban pot in the airport but don't penalize passengers for possession (they just need to return it to their cars or throw it away before they go through security).

Still, there seems to be a lot of leeway in these policies. In 2011, TSA agents at Denver International Airport found a small bag of marijuana in the checked bag of rapper Freddie Gibbs. They left the weed along with a note saying "C'mon son." However, that casualness definitely does not extend to larger drug trafficking. When Los Angeles TSA found 100 pounds of marijuana wrapped up as a birthday gift during a bag screening they promptly turned it over to DEA and LAPD.


Many who rely on medical marijuana as part of a treatment plan are understandably confused about where this leaves them when it comes to traveling. Websites liked United Patients Group and Medical Jane attempt to clarify this confusing situation and keep users up-to-date on policy changes.

For those living in states where medical marijuana is legal, the best advice is to call ahead and ask the airport directly. Anecdotal reports suggest that the TSA is particularly accommodating to those with legal medical marijuana cards who are traveling to states where medical marijuana is also legal (or simply traveling within the same state). According to United Patients, both California's Oakland and San Francisco airports are medical marijuana friendly.

In 2013 David Knowles explored the TSA's policies for NY Daily News and suggested that the TSA is at a bit of a crossroads. While the agency remains bound to enforce federal law, in practice it has little interest in actively seeking out drugs. It often falls on individual TSA agents and law enforcement officers to tackle incidents involving marijuana on a case-by-case basis. That makes it hard to give generalized advice to those hoping to travel with marijuana.


Here are some important points to keep in mind when it comes to traveling with marijuana:

For those who use marijuana legally, the alternatives for traveling are unhappy ones: Either leave the marijuana at home or take the (relatively low) risk of bringing it through security. That situation is unlikely to change until there is a shift in federal policy.

Photo collage created from these CC-licensed images: Cannabis sativa leaf Dorsal aspect: Jon Richfield | Jet: Yuichi Kosio

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