Boing Boing

EFF's copyfighter's crossword

EFF's annual crossword puzzle is a roundup of news stories from the world of digital civil liberties from 2014. Can you get 'em all without googling?


2. Zoe ______, member of Congress who received one of EFF's 2014 Pioneer Awards, in part for her commitment to reforming the Digital Millennium Copyright Act

7. First name of the fictional detective who—thanks to the Supreme Court's refusal to take up the case—is officially in the public domain

8. Former Panamanian dictator who used the "right of publicity" to attack the creators of Call of Duty for including him in their game

9. Code-sharing website from which PopcornTime torrent software, was removed after an elaborate takedown request from the MPAA

Crossword Puzzle 2014: The Year in Copyright News
[Parker Higgins and Dave Maass/EFF]

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