"Ethical porn" starts with porn that you pay for, says Jiz Lee.
From Medium:
One of the most common questions I'm asked is, "How can I be sure what I'm watching was ethically produced?" Without getting to sidetracked by topics of fantasy and film, marketing transparency and performer interviews, or going right to the source via social media — all of which help discerning viewers better research their options — the simplest answer is that paying for porn is the most direct way to ensure key ethical production values.
Without a credit card processor overlooking distribution, there's no way to know for sure if basic labor rights took place. There is no 2257 Affidavit to prove performers were of legal age, no STI test results, no W9 or 1099-Misc IRS Forms, and there's certainly no Model Release Form to ensure the people on film consented to have their image shared online. Unless it features a major star, most pirated content doesn't even include performers' names, let alone Custodian of Records addresses. There's a mountain of paperwork missing. Paperwork that, for better or worse, is designed to protect performers' rights and safety.