Boing Boing

A $4 hose adapter for my kitchen faucet

Dual Threaded Faucet Adapter

This $4 adapter allows me to attach a hose to my kitchen faucet. Now I can fill large pots while they sit on the stove, saving my back.

Moving a full brew kettle around is really hard. I found myself wishing I could just fill the pot up right on the stove, but how was I going to get the water over there? I wanted a hose in my kitchen!

Installing this adaptor took me mere seconds. Now I can screw a hose right into the end of my kitchen faucet and run water over to the stove. I can also use this to run water through my wort chiller, and back into the sink. I have a hose similar to this one, rated for potable water.

Do it Dual Thread Faucet Adapter To Hose

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