Boing Boing

"Menkes Disease: Finding Help and Hope," a short documentary on a rare disease

My friend Daniel DeFabio's son Lucas has Menkes Disease, a rare genetic disorder that prevents the body from metabolizing copper. He, along with a few other families, made this touching documentary.

Daniel adds:

Lucas is six years old and has a rare genetic disorder called Menkes Disease. It prevents him from metabolizing copper. Boys who get treatment in the first ten days of life can have long and relatively normally lives. If the disease is not detected and treated that early their lives are much shorter and far from normal. 2/3s of cases are inherited from the mother. Lucas is in the 1/3 where a spontaneous mutation occurs. He can not walk, talk, or support his own weight, but he smiles, laughs and brings joy where ever he goes. This short documentary aims to explain some of the basics of the disease and treatment but also provide context with examples from three families across the globe showing that there is life after this terrible diagnosis. And that life is more joyful and hopeful than you might expect.

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