Cats crowd the harbor on Aoshima Island in the Ehime prefecture of southern Japan on February 25, 2015. Thomas Peter/Reuters
Reuters today published a cool series of photographs taken at Aoshima, a Japanese 'Cat Island.'
Aoshima is one of about a dozen "cat islands" home to more feline residents than humans. On Aoshima there are over a hundred cats who take up residence in abandoned houses and nosh on leftover fish scraps in the tranquil fishing village. The cats outnumber humans six to one. Aoshima has seen a steep rise in tourist visits since becoming popular online, and visitors now outnumber the handful of permanent residents.
More: The Atlantic. [via this isn't happiness]

Cats surround people as they get off a boat at the harbor on Aoshima Island, Japan, on February 25, 2015. Thomas Peter/Reuters