Boing Boing

Just watch the amazing trailer for this genre bender

Here's a genre mash-up you might not expect: Classic narrative-driven adventure games and two-dimensional space shooters?

I'm not sure if it'll work, but I've been watching the gorgeous trailer for Starr Mazer on loop forever.

Christina Antoinette Neofotistou is the lead artist, so props to her for the arresting visual style. I first saw this game when I was veritably cornered at an exhibition event by the two actual most energetic game developers in the room, Don Thacker and Auston Montville, who shouted at me about Starr Mazer until I was fully infected by their enthusiasm.

It's a game where you shoot things with a flying spaceship, but then different segments of the story (written by Imagos Films' Vanessa Williams) come together depending on how you play, which sounds kind of awesome — Cowboy Bebop, Gradius and The Secret of Monkey Island rattled together in a blender.

You can pre-order it now for game consoles.

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