Boing Boing

Loretta Lynch is a win for the police state, says Glenn Greenwald

gg"I found the reaction to Loretta Lynch nomination to be genuinely remarkable, because if you look at the people who are demanding her confirmation and cheering her confirmation and what they believe, there's a universe of distance between their beliefs and the things that she believes and what she has done in her career," journalist Glenn Greewald said in an interview with ELias Isquith of Salon.

She is essentially a fairly conservative, pro-security state, pro-penal state federal prosecutor who has spent her career supporting and upholding this evil system of mass incarceration. To cheer her simply because of the historic nature of her appointment — which, of course, is significant, her being the first African-American woman to serve in that position — without regard to the things that she's actually going to do in pursuit of these policies, I think is mind-numbingly irrational.

I do think Eric Holder was pretty horrible in lots of important areas; but in other areas, he was actually quite good — like civil rights enforcement and advocating for more equity and fairness in the criminal justice system. I don't expect Loretta Lynch to be [that way].

CC Image: Gage Skidmore

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