Boing Boing

Got a 3D printer? Help make a giant bust of Poe!

Todd writes, "We the Builders just started our third crowdsourced 3D printing project — anyone with access to a 3D printer can download their piece from the website, print it out, mail it to us in Baltimore, and then we'll glue it together to form a giant sculpture."

We're doing a caricature bust of Baltimore's most famous poet, Edgar Allen Poe.

Edgar Allan Print will be composed of 250 pieces, and our target date is to get everything printed and in the mail by June 4th.

The neat thing we're doing this time is guiding the final sculpture's colors slightly, by asking people to print with darker colors for the hair and shirt, and lighter colors for the face and scarf. Ryan Kittleson did the original sculpt on his computer, and sent it to me. I sliced it up into 250 pieces and oriented them for optimized printing.

If you've got a printer, come help! I'll do another time lapse of Poe (previous project video)

Edgar Allan Print (Poe)

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