Dzhokhar Tsarnaev gestures towards a surveillance camera in his holding cell in this 2013 surveillance image released by the U.S. Justice department. REUTERS/USDOJ
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was today sentenced by a jury to death for his role in the 2013 Boston Marathon attack that killed three people and injured 264.
The jury took 15 hours to reach a decision. Tsarnaev, 21, will receive death by lethal injection. The jury chose this over its only other option: life in prison without possibility of release.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch says of the sentencing, "The ultimate penalty is a fitting punishment."

Judy Clarke (R) and David Brock, defense attorneys for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, walk away from the federal courthouse in Boston, Massachusetts May 15, 2015. REUTERS/Brian Snyder
The same panel last month found the ethnic Chechen guilty of placing a pair of homemade pressure-cooker bombs at the race's crowded finish line on April 15, 2013, as well as fatally shooting a policeman. The bombing was one of the highest-profile attacks on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001.
During 10 weeks of testimony, the jury heard from about 150 witnesses, including people whose legs were torn off by the shrapnel-filled bombs. William Richard, the father of bombing victim Martin Richard, described the gut-wrenching decision to leave his 8-year-old son to die of his wounds so that he could save the life of his daughter, Jane, who lost a leg but survived.
Prosecutors described Tsarnaev as an adherent of al Qaeda's militant Islamist views who carried out the attack as an act of retribution for U.S. military campaigns in Muslim-dominated countries.
"Boston bomber Tsarnaev sentenced to death for 2013 attack" [reuters]

A still image from surveillance video shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on March 11, 2015. REUTERS/U.S. Attorney's Office
Jim Armstrong, a reporter at Boston's CBS affiliate WBZ, has been live-tweeting the federal trial. Here were his tweets from the courtroom at the moment the sentencing was announced.
DEATH for #Tsarnaev on counts 4,5,9,10,14,15
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
again: #Tsarnaev has been sentenced to death.
silence in the courtroom.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
#Tsarnaev swallows hard.
Attorney Bruck wants the jurors polled one by one.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Judge thanks the jury.
The Richard family sit calmly, leaning forward and listening intently.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Defense atty Miriam Conrad sits with her hand on her mouth.
#Tsarnaev runs his hands through his hair.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Judge thanks jury for their time, thanks the alternates.
Says their work here should "stand as a model" for future juries.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Some people sitting in the defense gallery (not #Tsarnaev family) are crying.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Several jurors sigh heavily; forewoman wipes her eye with a tissue.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Judge tells jury they are free to speak to the media, family, friends, about their experience in this case.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Another juror cries.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
#Tsarnaev's face displayed no signs of emotion as sentence was read, accd to @KenTucci, Ch 4 producer watching from overflow courtroom.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Judge: the notes you took as jurors will be shredded.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Judge: Mister #Tsarnaev has comported himself appropriately the entire time.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Judge: "You are now discharged."
We rise in respect to you.
#Tsarnaev stands.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
Judge: the defendant is in custody of the US Marshals.
He walks solemnly out.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
When he left court #Tsarnaev made just a fleeting glance at his lawyers.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015
I saw Carlos Arredondo shake hands with prosecutor Steve Mellin and say thank you as they left court.
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstrongWBZ) May 15, 2015