Boing Boing

Report: Spanish woman sues eBay after sun-selling "scam" shut down


The Metro reports that a Spanish woman declared that she owns the Sun and is now suing eBay for refusing to let her auction plots of "land" on its surface.

The online auction house blocked Ms Duran's account after they realised she was selling plots of our local star for €1 (73p) per metre square.

After eBay put a stop to this quite frankly ridiculous plan a magistrate's court in Madrid declared that Maria has the right to take them to court.

'There was no snag, I backed my claim legally, I am not stupid, I know the law,' Ms Duran said when she first laid claim to the sun.

The story is unusually weakly-sourced, even by UK tabloid standards: no links, no judge, no dates, no auction screenshots. So take with a rather dense grain of sun. But even so, it seems little different to the "International Star Registry," which unofficially names celestial bodies for a price—but isn't dumb enough to try and do it on eBay.

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