Jed Clampett for President: what he thinks of the other candidates


Even though he is a fictional character and the actor who portrayed him is resting in peace, Jed Clampett has some opinions about the other candidates.

Actual campaign quotes [from episodes of Beverly Hillbillies]:

[On Scott Walker] "That boy tramples on the truth worse than he did back home. He was such a liar then, he used to have to get somebody else to call his dog fer him."

[On Rick Santorum] "Ricks's a nice young feller, but if brains was lard, he wouldn't grease too big a pan."

[On trying to understand Jeb Bush's position on the Iraq invasions] "Harder than braiding a mule's tail during fly season."

[To Chris Christie during a debate] "You're makin' more racket than an empty wagon on a froze-over road."

[On Donald Trump] "Bein' with him is about as much fun as watching ice melt."

[On Rick Perry] "He couldn't pour sand out of his boot if you wrote the instructions on the heel."

Image by Tim Nyberg