Boing Boing

Cosmo writer tries male stripper lifestyle for a week

MM-GW-02354 (Middle) ALEX PETTYFER as The Kid, MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY as Dallas, andCHANNING TATUM as Mike Martingano in Warner Bros. Pictures’ dramatic comedy“MAGIC MIKE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.Photo by Glen Wilson

With the lead-up to the Magic Mike XXL movie, Cosmo sex writer Frank Kobola felt like he could use a makeover, from lightweight writer physique to the ripped body of a male stripper. So he asked an employee from a strip club that inspired Magic Mike to be his mentor. For one week, Devon, from La Bare strip club in Texas, put Frank on a strict stripper-style regimen that focused on diet, exercise and grooming.

His diet included tons of vitamins and supplements, as well as six meals a day  that started off with seven egg whites and oatmeal. Frank had a hard time gorging on so much food.

These aren't snacks. It's not like he has three square meals and then some peanuts or a handful of popcorn. This dude eats breakfast, then a chicken breast, then grilled fish, then another fish, then a steak, then a chicken breast. Every day. I love food, but I was not looking forward to my stomach exploding by meal four.

His exercise included two workouts a day, one before work and one after work.

I woke up at 5 a.m to get in my workout before work, so I already hated it. I don't know what's worse: waking up at 5 a.m. to go to the gym, or waking up at 5 a.m. to go the gym knowing that you'll be going to the gym again at night.

As for grooming, he was thankful he didn't have to wax. Still, he had to keep it clean down there, which meant taking "a razor to my balls" every day.

Was living the male stripper lifestyle sexy in any way? According to Frank, "literally nothing sexy happened to me."

For the full, humorous account of Frank's week of a stripper in training, check out his column on Cosmopolitan.

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