Cheesemakers are so angry that Pornhub ran an ad comparing Parmigiano-Reggiano to premium smut, they're threatening to sue the porn company.
In the ad, for Pornhub Premium, a man out shopping with his wife spots a block and remarks "Why don't we get this aged Parmigiano-Reggiano? They say it's the Pornhub Premium of cheeses."
The Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese Consortium, established by the Italian government to regulate the regionally-protected product, was very angry indeed.
"[it is ]not only distasteful and unacceptable, but offensive for our producers and their work," the consortium said in a statement that described Pornhub as "vulgarly" exploiting the protected term.
Pornhub is one of the world's most popular websites, and is no stranger to marketing antics.