Boing Boing

Acer launches Lego-like stackable computer


The Taiwanese machine-maker's taking another look at the modular computing mirage. With neatly-stacking components and a clean, fairly minimal look, it's got as good a chance as anyone.

The Verge's Jacob Kastrenakes thinks it's cool, and points out that at 5″x5″x2″, the base unit is genuinely tiny.

Acer calls these add-ons "blocks." It'll initially be offering blocks with a 500GB hard drive, a 1TB hard drive, a wireless charging dock, a speaker unit, a GPU, a projector, and a microphone. Additional blocks will be "rolled out gradually," but Acer doesn't say how often or what's coming next. It doesn't even say the price of these blocks yet.

I would have loved this a decade ago. But I can't imagine a desktop computer need, now, that would not be better met by something smaller or something larger.

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