Boing Boing

Texas gentleman who said Black Lives Matter vandalized his truck admits he was the vandal

Scott Lattin of Whitney, TX received over six thousand dollars on a GoFundMe account to repair his vandalized truck. But his donors might want their money back after the news came out that Lattin had admitted to police that he vandalized his own truck. Lattin claimed that his truck, which was emblazoned with a pro-police message, was spray-painted by anti-police vandals with the words, "Black Lives Matter." When police investigated, they came to the conclusion that Lattin had lied to them. He was arrested and charged with making a false police report.

"We had initial video when the officers took the report and then when we saw your story on Channel 4. When we looked at those two videos, there were some differences in those and that led us to take the investigation into a different direction," Bentley said.

Bentley said when they took the report there was no damage to the inside of the truck. But when FOX4 showed up, Lattin showed that the glove box was ripped off and the seats slashed.

Lattin denies the charges by police that he vandalized his own vehicle, telling FOX4, "That's absolutely not true! Absolutely not true."

But Lattin's arrest warrant affidavit said Lattin admitted damaging the inside of his vehicle for insurance reasons.

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