Boing Boing

Leatherworker shares method for making wallets

Kevin Lee (proprietor of Fides Leather and a master with the knife), makes it look so easy! But the devil is in details that are easy to miss: perfect creases made with heated irons, carefully skiving panels to reduce their thickness at critical points, and a set of the right tools for the job.

At Reddit's DIY community, he explains how he got into the premium artisanal leatherworking racket and shares the shopping list you'll need to join him.

Japanese Leather Knife,

Vergez Blanchard Pricking Irons

Vergez Blanchard Edge Creaser with Guide

Steel Wing Dividers

Barry King Edge Bevelers

Custom Cocobolo Edge Burnisher

Steel Ruler

Custom Scratch Awl

John James Harness Needles

Alcohol Lamp (Antique)

He's not selling anything at the moment, but an online store will soon be up at

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