Watch Jim Berger's hilarious edit of televangelist Jim Bakker recalling his recent End Times dream.
Jim Bakker is a convicted felon who continues ripping off the faithful with emergency food buckets that you will apparently need lots of when the End Times come.

jim bakker show

jim bakker show

jim bakker show
Jim Bakker shows off his tub of cheesy broccoli rice. #JimBakker
— Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) October 6, 2015
Jim Bakker tells us what happens when the world's food runs out. #JimBakker
— Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) October 6, 2015
Are YOU ready for your appointment at the #BemaSeat? #JimBakker
— Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) October 5, 2015
[HT: Christian Nightmares]