Wyoming has a nice new hole in it after landslide

A crack in the Earth almost a kilometer long opened in Wyoming—and no-one was around to see it happen. CBS Local reports that the fissure was likely the result of landslides over a period of two weeks.

The size is estimated at 750 yards long by 50 yards wide.

Randy Becker, a hunter who saw the crack and took some pictures, was surprised to see it, "I was stunned. The magnitude of this shift in earth is dramatic. It blows you away to see it."

NBC News has this incredible shot of it from the sky:


The Washington Post reports that the mysterious hole has opened nervous questions about fearsome regional megavolcanoes. Experts, however, say it's NBD.

According to the SNS, locals have been referring to the newly formed trench as "the gash." Others simply call it "the crack." Photos from the crevasse reveal steep cliffs, massive earthen towers and large boulders strewn across the bottom.

The gash's size was impressive, but so was the speed at which it formed. Social media users speculated that the formation represented an impending volcanic eruption or an earthquake, but experts were quick to allay their fears.

On its Facebook page last week, SNS provided an update about what might have caused the ground to split open:

Since so many people have commented and asked questions, we wanted to post an update with a little more information. An engineer from Riverton, WY came out to shed a little light on this giant crack in the earth. Apparently, a wet spring lubricated across a cap rock. Then, a small spring on either side caused the bottom to slide out. He estimated 15 to 20 million yards of movement.