"I reckon if Thom Yorke fucking shit into a light bulb and started blowing it like an empty beer bottle it'd probably get 9 out of 10 in fucking Mojo," Oasis frontman Noel Gallagher told Esquire UK. "I'm aware of that."
And here's Gallagher on Arctic Monkeys, Royal Blood, and the "new generation of rock stars":
"They've got the fucking skinny jeans and the boots, and all that eyeliner. I've got a cat that's more rock 'n' roll than all of them put together. Pigeons? Rips their fucking heads off…"
"I go back to this: Fame is fucking wasted on these people. The new generation of rock stars, when have they ever said anything that made you laugh? When have they ever said anything you remember? People say, 'They're interesting.' Interesting! That's a word that's crept in to music: 'Yeah, man. Have you heard the new Skrillex record?' 'No.' 'Yeah, man. It's really interesting.' I don't want interesting! Rock 'n' roll's not about that. To me, it's about fucking utter gobshites just being fucking headcases. Well, not headcases. But what I want, genuinely, is somebody with a fucking drug habit, who's not Pete Doherty. Do you know what I mean?"