Boing Boing

Digital Wizard hoodie uses LEDs, speakers & accelerometers to "cast spells"

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The $120 Digital Wizard hoodie started out as a 2012 April Fool's prank, but as with other Thinkgeek April Fools products, it proved so popular that they went ahead and made it.

The hoodie uses embedded acclerometers to keep track of your hand-gestures; when you go through one of nine choreographed "spells," the hoodie detects it and runs through a light- and sound-show using LEDs and a speaker. You reset the hoodie between spells by putting your hands is a proscribed "restore manna" position. It's all cotton and machine washable (you have to remove the electronics first, of course).

Learn how to perform nine spells:

Restore Health
Energy Beam
Raise the Dead
Water Bending
(plus bonus Color Caster and Restore Mana, the reset position)

Technomancer 2.0 Digital Wizard Hoodie

(via Geekologie)

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