Andrew Wiseman wins the day with this hilarious Freedom of Information Act Request.
It'd be amazing if this crazy thing ended up online, in torrentable form: the Wu-Tang Clan's double-album "The Wu – Once Upon A Time In Shaolin," recorded in secret over the past few years and recently purchased by the recently arrested pharma douchebag Martin Shkreli.
UPDATE: Alas, it wasn't meant to be. FBI tweets "no seizure warrant" for arrest.
#Breaking no seizure warrant at the arrest of Martin Shkreli today, which means we didn't seize the Wu-Tang Clan album.
— FBI New York (@NewYorkFBI) December 17, 2015
Just FOIA'd the FBI to try to get the Wu-Tang Clan album from Martin #Shkreli – Let's party!
— Andrew Wiseman (@wisemana) December 17, 2015
Oh snap, the FBI acknowledged my FOIA! #wutang is for the children! #billmurray #tigerstyle #shkreli
— Andrew Wiseman (@wisemana) December 17, 2015
If I do get the album, I'll have a big party at my house, release it for free and ask people to donate to charities like @TheMissingMaps
— Andrew Wiseman (@wisemana) December 17, 2015