Boing Boing

Arizona high school students' racism even offends Arizona

Six Arizona HS students at Desert Vista High School decided to re-arrange the letters of a slogan spelled out on t-shirts to offend their fellow classmates, teachers, administrators, local congress person, and pretty much everyone else who sees the story.

Seems they got a single day suspension.

AZCentral shares the story:

A photo shows six smiling girls standing with their arms around each other, wearing black shirts with letters written on them in gold tape that, even with asterisks in the middle, unmistakably spell out the n-word.

The photo has a small circle in the corner, indicating it was originally posted to Snapchat, where photos disappear after 24 hours.

A different photo on Instagram shows 36 girls lined up wearing the same style of shirts that read "BEST*YOU'VE*EVER*SEEN*CLASS*OF*2016."

The photos went viral on Twitter and Facebook by Friday afternoon, where many people, including parents of Desert Vista students, called the photo racist and asked for the students to be suspended or expelled.

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