Boing Boing

#ColorTheBern: Bernie Sanders gets black velvet treatment in Kii Arens benefit poster

Never before has Bernie Sanders' "Feel The Bern" campaign slogan made more sense to me than with this new fuzzy black velvet fluorescent coloring-art poster by Kii Arens.

Available here. A portion of the proceeds goes to Sanders' campaign.

Kii's crew explains:

Kii Arens and everyone at La-La Land Gallery believes that Bernie has what it takes to bring about positive political change, and "a future to believe in."

Showing his support through his art, the LA-based designer has released the special print, aimed to bring bright color and smiles to the Sanders campaign.

Kii thanks Nevermind Gallery for inspiration, and Erin Goedtel and Martin Ontiveros for their artistic hands!

Website | Instagram: @kiiarens | Twitter: @kiiarens | Facebook: @KiiArensArt | #colorthebern

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