Charles from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund sez, "CBLDF is kickstarting She Changed Comics, a history of how women changed free expression in comics!"
"Our goal is to make a vital resource for readers, teachers and creators alike that highlights the valuable contributions women have made to expanding the kind of expression that's possible in comics, and that calls attention to the struggles for free speech that are still being waged."
CBLDF is one of the most effective and laudable free speech organizations I know, and they're fantastic at shipping the books they propose — the annual Liberty collections are, each and every one, a joy.
So this is a good bet as far as crowdfunding goes — you'll almost certainly get what you pay for and it'll kick ass. $15 gets you a DRM-free ebook, $25 gets you a 160-page color hardcover, a sticker and a bookplate.
In She Changed Comics, we'll profile more than 60 women whose work changed the landscape of free expression, from the turn of the 20th century to present day, and include new interviews from the women whose work is defining the future of comics.
We'll look at women who worked during the Golden Age and before the advent of the Comics Code—women like Nell Brinkley and Jackie Ormes, whose cartoons weren't just hugely popular. They helped define fashion and society in their eras.
She Changed Comics will explore the work of women who were saddled with and overcame the Comics Code. Some of these women, such as artists Trina Robbins, Lee Marrs, and Dori Seda, circumvented the Comics Code entirely, using underground comix to tell candid stories about female sexuality, feminism, and women's rights. Some helped break down the legacy of the Comics Code in mainstream comics, such as modern era writer Gail Simone, who deconstructed the trope of women in refrigerators—women who served only as plot devices to drive male characters—by reinventing female comics characters that had long been trapped by the male gaze.
She Changed Comics