Boing Boing

California lake trashed, University of Oregon students suspected

photo via Jennifer Cox/Facebook

Over 90 tents, sleeping bags, coolers full of food, and of course trash were left strewn about California's Lake Shasta. Some of the detritus was proudly emblazoned with University of Oregon logos, and those of the fraternal organization Lambda Chi Alpha. Unsurprisingly, the images have made their way to social media.

Via Oregon Live:

While the university can't confirm that UO students were at the site, Holmes acknowledged that Duck gear was strewn across the landscape. She added the school could discipline students who are involved in the situation, adding those students would have violated the school's code of conduct.

In a statement, Holmes said national fraternity Zeta Omicron Zeta was suspending all of its chapters' activities until the "situation is addressed."

One photo showed a cooler emblazoned with one of that fraternity's chapters, Lambda Chi Alpha's Greek lettering and the phrase, "Do you wanna do some blow man?"

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