Boing Boing

List of things the FCC refused to reveal to Freedom Of Information Act requesters

Gizmodo's Matt Novak filed a clever request to the FCC under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): what are all the FOIA requests you've "withheld in full"? So they sent him the list.

Granted, many of the requests below don't mean much to me. I'm certainly not an expert on FCC policy. But the list is pretty interesting, including requests for records on allegations that Hilton Hotels were jamming wifi (which they were), documents on Stingray cellphone spy devices used by law enforcement (which they are), and information about the absurdly high prices that prison inmates pay for phone calls (which is still obscene).

All of the requests below, submitted by journalists and citizens, were denied in full by the FCC. The reasons for their denial were not provided to Gizmodo. Some denials, like an email address list of everyone who subscribes to the FCC's Daily Digest seem like an appropriate move to protect the privacy rights of private citizens. Other denials, like an Office of the Inspector General's report requested by the Center for Investigative Reporting, seem like an unwarranted veil of secrecy around information to which the public should have access.

In other news, Hillary Clinton's campaign head filed a FOIA request for UFO truths.

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