Sid and Marty Krofft, two of the finest creators of television content of all time, are returning their epic hero Sigmund the Seamonster to the screen.
Via Entertainment Weekly:
Although the delivery method has changed, the story hews close to the original — two young brothers befriend a kindhearted sea monster and help him hide out — and the Kroffts' time-tested approach remains intact.
"When it comes to content, we find out that it's the same," Marty, 79, said in an interview with EW. "You have to have great characters, great stories. It makes no difference whether it's digital, network, Nickelodeon." (The latter channel is home to the Krofft-produced series Mutt & Stuff.)
"We kept the integrity of the show," Marty continued. "We didn't want to piss off all of our fans that have grown up to be about 38 to 40, and who can still sing the theme song."