Teen comes out to her family on Disneyland's Splash Mountain

Gina is 16 and gay, something she was sure her folks would be cool with, so she told them in the best way possible: by holding up a sign at a strategic moment on the family's plunge down Disneyland's Splash Mountain. She's hoping others will do the same.

Gina said the reaction to her photo has been "amazing but overwhelming."

"I never expected it to blow up like this," she said. "This Twitter account was just my spam account where I posted random fangirl stuff but I decided it couldn't hurt to post it and the result was absolutely amazing."

She said she has been very touched at all the nice comments she has received.

"People have responded saying I've inspired them to do the same thing, which I think is the coolest part of it all," she said.

This 16-Year-Old Came Out To Her Family At Disneyland And It's The Best
[Stephanie McNeal/Buzzfeed]