In 2007, Trump was suing a reporter who exposed unflattering facts about his true level of wealth.
The Washington Post reports on a 2007 deposition, related to Donald Trump's failed lawsuit over the expose, in which he was nailed to a series of "falsehoods and exaggerations" remarkable in just how pointless and stupid they were.
The lawyers confronted the mogul with his past statements — and with his company's internal documents, which often showed those statements had been incorrect or invented. The lawyers were relentless. Trump, the bigger-than-life mogul, was vulnerable — cornered, out-prepared and under oath.
Thirty times, they caught him.
Trump had misstated sales at his condo buildings. Inflated the price of membership at one of his golf clubs. Overstated the depth of his past debts and the number of his employees.
That deposition — 170 transcribed pages — offers extraordinary insights into Trump's relationship with the truth. Trump's falsehoods were unstrategic — needless, highly specific, easy to disprove. When caught, Trump sometimes blamed others for the error or explained that the untrue thing really was true, in his mind, because he saw the situation more positively than others did.
A "routine and habitual fabulist," is how L. O'Brien, the author Trump had sued, describes him now.
The viral video of Trump contradicting himself on every major issue is amusing, but it doesn't get at the man revealed in the deposition. He lies constantly—and is terrible at it.