On CNN, host Brianna Keilar asked Trump spokesman Michael Cohen about his candidate's sinking poll numbers. "Says who?" he demands.
Keilar: You guys are down, and it makes sense that there would—
Cohen: Says who?
Keilar: Polls. Most of them. All of them?
Cohen: Says who?
Keilar: Polls. I just told you. I answered your question.
Cohen: OK. Which polls?
Keilar: All of them.
It's not so much the words as the delivery: the dead, resentful air, the way stating an unremakable fact seems like a devastating put-down.
This exchange sums up Trumpkins in general. There's no mental agility, no cleverness or patter. They're witless. So blunt it catches you off your stride, but only for a moment. The witlessness applies to everything, from interactions on cable TV to comment-section rants to the subreddit humor—especially the humor!
Let's see what Breitbart can salvage, now it's the official campaign organ.
I've produced cable news & was paid to write about it. This is one of the greatest moments. https://t.co/75dtie2hDG pic.twitter.com/laf4MX6O0a
— Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) August 17, 2016