Boing Boing

More seafaring, suicidal bird boozing as Drinky Crow Drinks Again

Drinky Crow Drinks Again

by Tony Millionaire


2016, 128 pages, 10.8 x 8.8 x 0.7 inches (hardcover)

$19 Buy a copy on Amazon

Captain Maak (captain of the ship), Uncle Gabby (the Irish monkey), Gunslinger Jesus, Phoebe Bird, and everyone's favorite violent, binge-drinking, suicidal avian anti-hero, Drinky Crow, are all back and more beautifully bizarre than ever in Maakies: Drinky Crow Drinks Again. From the confident, well informed, but often fevered hand of well-known American weekly comic strip artist Tony Millionaire, comes this new Fantagraphics landscape hardback collecting recent syndicated strips (along with some additional material). The book is as handsome as you'd expect, coming from this artist and this publisher (even if it's the first Maakies collection not designed by Chip Kidd).

You never know what you're going to get from Tony Millionaire, but you know it will never be boring and it will always be beautifully rendered. Even more so than most, Millionaire's comic strips feel like you're mainlining the author's own insane membrane, watching him think out loud and exorcising his demons with pen and ink on paper.

The incredibly meticulous old-school draftsmanship, the many allusions to old comic strips and classic art, lots of clever twists and brilliant pay-offs, strips that dead end, and ones that go completely off the rails, often ending in violence or suicide – it's not always the smoothest ride, but it's one you're compelled to take, even if just for the gorgeous scenery. Luckily, Tony Millionaire, Maakies, and Drinky Crow have far more riches to offer than that.

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