I'm helping launch Echoes of Sherlock Holmes at LA's Chevalier Books tomorrow night

In 2014, lawyer and eminent Sherlockian Les Klinger comprehensively won the legal battle to establish that Sherlock Holmes is in the public domain and available for anyone to use, abuse, alter, celebrate or mock; now with a new anthology of completely unauthorized Sherlock tales, Echoes of Sherlock Holmes, Klinger and co-editor Laurie R. King have shown just how much life there is in the old tales.

I'm one of the contributors to the anthology. My story, "Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Extraordinary Rendition," uses the Snowden documents I was the first to publish as the basis for a cautionary tale about surveillance, secrecy and corruption.

It's just one of 17 stories in Echoes, which has been getting rave reviews since its launch earlier this month.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 7PM, three of us authors (Gary Phillips, Anne Perry and me), as well as Les Klinger, are gathering at Los Angeles's Chevalier Books for a launch, signing, talk, Q&A and reading.

I hope you'll join us!

If you're based in the Valley, have no fear: we'll be doing a second event on December 10 at Burbank's Dark Delicacies.

Foremost Sherlockian Les Klinger Sounds The Depths with Echoes of Sherlock Holmes' Contributors Cory Doctorow, Gary Phillips and Anne Perry [Chevalier Books]