White supremacist media baron Steve Bannon ran Donald Trump's campaign; now he is Trump's presidential Chief Strategist. Last year, he did an interview in which he declared his belief that people from Asia who attend top US universities and found and run successful US firms should be kicked out of the country because they represented a threat to "civil society."
IBM's US-born CEO Gini Rometty sent a letter to Trump after the election offering her personal and corporate support for his regime.
Trump voiced concern over these students attending Ivy League schools and then going home: "We have to be careful of that, Steve. You know, we have to keep our talented people in this country," Trump said.
When asked if he agreed, Bannon responded: "When two-thirds or three-quarters of the CEOs in Silicon Valley are from South Asia or from Asia, I think . . . " he didn't finish his sentence. "A country is more than an economy. We're a civic society."
(via Dan Hon)
(Image: Sundar Pichai, Chief Executive Officer of Google Inc. , Maurizio Pesce, CC-BY)