A heartwarming story about a comic clerk who helped a "baby gay" teen customer come out through Supergirl comics

Mary (AKA @sapphicgeek) works in an Indiana comic shop, and Saturday, she met a customer, a distraught teen girl, looking for Supergirl.

When Mary asked her about the recent plotline in which Supergirl comes out as gay, the girl broke down in tears, and Mary realized "I'm staring down a crying baby gay. One who was having some big issues." Mary talked the girl through the issues she was confronting, and then ended up treating her to a stack of comics with awesome LGBTQ themes: Batwoman: Elegy (which features Batwoman as an out lesbian); Midnighter (whose hero is also gay); and Gotham Central, the Batverse police procedural comic with many queer characters.

If you can make it through this without misting up (especially the punchline, "I ended up buying the other 3 for her and I make her promise me that in 10 years she'll help another queer kid") you're of sterner stuff than I am.

(Thanks, Robbo!)