Back in 2010, John Holbo created a beautiful, illustrated cthuhoid version of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas called "Mama in Her 'Kerchief and I in My Madness," and this curiousity has lurked on Flickr ever since — until now, when it has emerged as an actual book that you can actually own and cower from — with guaranteed delivery by Christmas.
During the Victorian era Christmas was indeed regarded as a "happy" day, but one of uncanny terror. Accordingly, cards and ornamentation featured strange creatures with too many tentacles. Then 'Santa Claus' became popular, and many older designs fell out of fashion. The present volume presents research on Ernst Haeckel's work on holiday 'Kunstformen der Un-Natur'; such Ur-figures as 'Soggy Ned'; and the 1852 disappearance of noted greeting card designer and 'cthuligrapher', Albert Whedge-Wheskit.
Mama In Her Kerchief and I In My Madness: A Visitation of Sog-Nug-Hotep: A Truly Awful Christmas Volume [John Holbo]
Mama In Her Kerchief and I In My Madness: A Visitation of Sog-Nug-Hotep
[John Holbo/Crooked Timber]
Mama in her 'kerchief and I in my madness [John Holbo/Flickr]